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- ### # # ###
- # # # # #
- # # ### #
- ### # # ### Version 1.91, by Philippe Duby, February 27, 1994
- 1 / Purpose of DKI
- 2 / Technical details
- 3 / Use examples
- 4 / List of all DKI's commands
- 5 / Display description
- 6 / Historic
- 7 / Registration - Contacts
- I / Purpose of DKI
- ==================
- DKI (for DisK Information) was initially designed to give a clear
- view of your drives free disk space, especially placed at the end of the
- It was then completed by a more sophisticated analyse of the disk units,
- detailing the type (hard disk, network , ...) with technical information
- if available (details about partitions, cd-rom tracks, ...) and
- physical information (for IDE, SCSI, CDROM disks).
- Finally, it was extended to recursive file and directory management:
- you can count, find, analyse and delete files and directories.
- That's why it is now a real administration tool that you can use to
- study the mass storage of a computer : DKI without parameters gives you
- information about free disk space, DKI /p physical information,
- DKI /1 the repartition of data inside directories, DKI /s the biggest
- files, DKI /b performance, ...
- To get a summary of its possibilities, type DKI /?.
- This software is distributed as shareware. This means that you can use
- it and test it for 30 days, but you have to register if you are using
- it regularly. The registration fee is only US$ 10, so it's cheap for you
- but it will encourage me for the next DKI ... (see chapter VII).
- Finally, even if this program has been tested carefully for a long time
- and seems to work perfectly, I cannot warrant a perfect functioning and
- assume no responsability for any damage which may result from the use of DKI.
- II / Technical details
- ======================
- 1) Identified programs
- ----------------------
- - Operating systems: DOS, DR-DOS, Windows, DesqView, OS/2.
- - Disk compression: Stacker, Superstor, Double Disk, DoubleSpace.
- - Networks: Novell Netware Lite, 2.2, 3.11, PairWare, PC LAN,
- LanSmart, Lan Manager, Lantastic, Workgroups, Ftp drivers.
- - Disk-cache software: SmartDrive 4+, Pc-cache 8+,
- Norton Cache 5, 6 et 7 (Ncache2), Hyperdisk, Combi.
- - Ramdisk : Ms Ramdrive, Srdisk.
- - Miscellaneous : Mscdex, 4Dos, Ndos.
- 2) Identified disk units
- ------------------------
- Floppy, Hard disk, ram-disk, compressed disk, SCSI syquest, CDROM,
- network, remote units (DRIVEMAP, INTERLINK), substituted units.
- 3) Collected physical data
- --------------------------
- IDE disk's name, partitions, SCSI units (via ASPI), CDROM tracks.
- III / Use examples
- ===================
- 1) Global units state
- ---------------------
- => DKI
- State of all the units.
- => DKI C: D:
- State of specified units.
- 2) Technical information
- ------------------------
- => DKI /p
- Note: if you have more than 25 lines of information, try:
- => DKI /pm
- Note: DKI is able to give you details even about non formatted IDE disks,
- or IDE disks with a format different from DOS. It can handle 2 controllers.
- 3) Full information
- -------------------
- => DKI /v (or /vm)
- Note: in this mode, DKI counts all your files and directories, what
- possibly takes you too must time: press 'Esc' key to abort it.
- 4) Information about disks, directories
- ---------------------------------------
- => DKI c:\.
- DKI \windows
- Note 1: you can mix commands:
- DKI c: d:
- DKI c:\dos c:\windows d:
- Note 2: if you just want to study your PATH directories:
- DKI /e
- 5) Summary by directories
- -------------------------
- => DKI \windows /0
- Lists all the sub-directories from \windows, detailing the number of
- files inside, and the size occupied by the directory on the disk.
- => DKI C:\ /1
- Lists all the first-level directories of drive C:
- => DKI d:\*.gif /1 (or 2 or 3)
- Lists all the directories of level 1, 2 or 3, containing .GIF files.
- Note: you can work on all your drives with a single command:
- => DKI $:*.exe /1
- Lists the directories containing programs for all your drives.
- 6) Files information
- --------------------
- => DKI c:\dos\*.exe
- Lists all the programs inside C:\DOS, specifying their date and size.
- => DKI c:\windows\*.dll /0
- Lists all Windows's DLL, and displays their total size per directory.
- 7) Deleting a directory or a set of files
- -----------------------------------------
- => DKI c:\windows /d
- Completely deletes a 'thing' called Windows !
- => DKI $:*.swp /d
- Deletes all the files with extension SWP of all your drives.
- Note: if DKI encounters a read-only file, it asks you for confirmation
- before deleting it..
- Note 2: you can create a DOSKEY macro: DOSKEY XDEL = DKI $* /D.
- 8) Analysing a set of files
- ---------------------------
- => DKI /s
- Lists the 10 biggest files from current directory and sub-directory.
- Sorted by decreasing size.
- => DKI $: /s
- Lists the 10 biggest files of your computer.
- => DKI d:\windows /ms30
- Lists the 30 biggest files of Windows, in 50 lines mode.
- => DKI /t
- Lists all the files of your current directory modified today.
- Sorted by increasing time.
- => DKI $: /t1/1/94
- Lists all your computer's files modified on 1/1/94
- 8) Unit drive benchmark
- -----------------------
- => DKI c: /b
- Do a benchmark on unit C:, on the following rules :
- DKI creates a 4Mb files, calculate a coefficient r according the
- file creation speed, and do successively r*16 random reads of a
- 64Kb block, r*16 random writes of a 64Kb block, and the same thing
- for r*4 * 256 Kb and r*1 * 1 Mb (so 1 Mb is transfered each time).
- DKI displays the results of these tests, and the average speed.
- These values have been choosen carefully after several and long
- tests because their reflecting correctly the unit work :
- - 16 * 64K correspond to manipulating a lot of small files
- (program compilation, ...),
- - 4 * 256K correspond to medium sized files (images, ...),
- - 1 * 1M correspond to big files (Windows program, ...).
- Of course, if you have a disk cache, the results will be different,
- allowing you to compare the values. If you want to know the rough
- performance of your disk, you have to disable this cache.
- This test works on Cdrom drive, but you have to disable Cdrom caching.
- => DKI $: /b
- Tests all the units. Press 'Esc' to abort the test.
- IV / List of all DKI's commands
- ================================
- /? : commands summary
- /0 : lists all the directories scanned during a file search.
- /1,2: same as above, but for directories before level 1 or 2
- /a : displays with ASCII 7 bits filter and no color, to allow
- for example the storage of the result into a BBS message.
- /b : unit drive Benchmark.
- /d : Delete mode, to delete recursively directories and files specified
- Be careful with this command, because the deletion is quite fast,
- so you have no time to have regrets after having started it !
- /g : débuGing information (for me).
- /e : scans the directories of the DOS PATH variable.
- /i : facilitates DKI's installation, by looking for an appropriate
- location where to copy DKI, and by updating your AUTOEXEC.BAT file
- to add DKI and an XDEL macro.
- /m : switches to Maxline mode (50 lines).
- /p : Physical information.
- /p : registration, by entering the name to register and its key.
- /s : display the n biggest files (sorted by Size).
- /t : display files modified d day (default = today, sorted by Time).
- /v : Verbose mode.
- /* : Full-information mode.
- /- : bypass ASPI-SCSI detection
- Note: if you want to print DKI results, you have to redirect the
- standard output on a file, and then print this file
- Example: DKI /p > DKI.TXT then COPY DKI.TXT PRN
- V / Display description
- ========================
- DKI 1.91 by Philippe Duby (c)94
- Running under DOS 5, Stacker 3, Netware 3.11, SmartDrive 4.1
- -
- Release of elements │
- identified by DKI ──┘
- ───────────────────────────── Drive information ─────────────────────────────
- Used Free Total
- C: Hard disk 1 ≡≡≡≡≡▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓------ 19 + 8 = 28 Mb C:\
- D: Stacker 1.5 ≡≡≡≡≡▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓████- 351 + 23 = 375 Mb D:\PDEV
- E: Hard disk 1 ≡≡≡≡≡▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓█████ 286 + 12 = 299 Mb E:\TMP
- F: Syquest ≡≡≡≡≡▒▒▒▒▒▓--------- 41 + 44 = 85 Mb F:\
- G: Subst D: ≡▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒- 20 / 375 Mb D:\SBPRO
- L: Netware 1 ≡≡≡≡≡▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓██--- 209 + 46 = 255 Mb* DEV\VOL1:\
- Σ: Total-Host ≡≡≡≡≡▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓███-- 623 + 90 = 713 Mb Phys= 327, Net=255
- - - - - - - -
- Unit │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Current
- type ┘ │ ┴ │ │ │ └─ directory
- │ bar display of │ │ │
- Unit n° ─────┘ disk space │ │ └── total size
- │ │
- occupied space ──┘ └──── free space
- Notes:
- 1) In case of Stacker drive, the compression rate is displayed (1.5), and
- the total disk size is the real size (and not the theoretical which is
- usually the normal size multiplied by 2).
- 2) For substituted drives, the size occupied by the real drive is displayed
- in grey color.
- 3) At the end of the total line, Phys indicates the real physical size,
- and Net the real size accessible by network.
- 4) Total-host means the total size minus the size occupied by all the host
- files containing a compressed disk.
- ──────────────────────── File & directory information ───────────────────────
- Files Dir │ Used % │ Free % │ Total
- C:\*.* 656 10 │ 20,652,032 70 │ 8,730,624 29 │ 29,384,704
- D:\*.* 7,932 283 │ 369,008,640 93 │ 24,436,736 6 │ 393,445,376
- E:\*.* 380 15 │ 300,474,368 95 │ 13,262,848 4 │ 313,876,480
- E:\*.* 184 20 │ 42,843,521 48 │ 45,953,412 52 │ 88,313,841
- G:\*.* 259 13 │ 21,372,928 5 │ 24,436,736 6 │ 393,445,376
- L:\*.* 1,927 100 │ 219,783,431 82 │ 48,648,192 18 │ 268,431,360
- Σ:\ 11,154 421 │ 910,059,520 69 │ 95,078,400 31 │1,005,137,920
- - - - - - -
- Analysed │ Nb of │ │ │ │ │
- files ┘ Files │ Space used by Free space Total size
- Directories the files
- ─────────────────────────── Physical information ────────────────────────────
- Cyl.Hd.ST │ Total │ Description
- Floppy 1 : 80. 2.18 │ 1.44 Mb │
- Floppy 2 : 80. 2.15 │ 1.20 Mb │
- Hard disk 1 : 700.16.60 │ 328 Mb │
- Part 1.1 : 60. . │ 28 Mb │ DOS 16 bits (Active) ( 9%)
- Part 2.1 : 639. . │ 299 Mb │ DOS Extended ( 91%)
- IDE disk : 700.16.60 │ 328 Mb │ T 6D8C X 0
- SCSI Host 1 : │ │ T7 ADAPTEC AHA-1520 (ASW-1210 Ver 3.1)
- Disk : 85.64.32 │ 85 Mb │ T3L0 SyQuest SQ5110 (SCSI-1)
- Net volume : │ 344 Mb │ DEV\VOL1 (100%)
- CD-ROM : 77'34'' │ 682 Mb │ ARTSHOW91B (status = 07B6)
- Track 1 : 68'42'' │ 604 Mb │ Data
- Track 2 : 2'05'' │ 18 Mb │ 2 Audio channels
- - - - - - -
- Physical name │ │ │ │ │
- Nb of cylinders ┘ │ │ │ └ Description
- or minutes │ │ │
- Nb of heads ┘ │ └ Total size
- or seconds │
- Nb of sectors by tracks
- Total mem : 8 Mb (486 DX 33)
- Total disk : 412 Mb
- Total net : 344 Mb
- Total cdrom : 682 Mb
- Cache info : 2048 Kb for Dos, 2048 Kb for Windows, Success ratio = 73%
- -
- Data found in the cache /Total of cache access ┘
- Notes:
- 1) For Novell Netware, the total size may be superior to the size
- reported by DOS (because Novell can handle big clusters).
- 2) The partition are described by two numbers: the partition table number,
- and the entry number in this table.
- VI / Historic
- =============
- 1.00 (11/92)
- ------------
- - 1st version, which displays the free disk space of all drives.
- - Name: DFREE (Disk FREE space).
- 1.01 (01/93)
- ------------
- - Correction of various bugs.
- 1.02 (02/93)
- ------------
- - Various improvements.
- 1.03 (02/93)
- ------------
- - Able to collect information about files and directories.
- - New name, adapted to the new functionalities: DDSIZE.
- 1.04 (03/93)
- ------------
- - Verbose mode added.
- 1.05 (03/93)
- ------------
- - Able to delete files and directories.
- 1.06 (04/93)
- ------------
- - Improvements ...
- - New easier name: DKI
- - Creation of a documentation.
- 1.07 (04/93)
- ------------
- - 7 bits display mode.
- - Creation of the pseudo-unit $, corresponding to 'all units'.
- - IDE disk identification.
- - Partitions information.
- - Rounding routines to display Kb and Mb.
- - SCSI access via ASPI interface.
- 1.08 (07/93)
- ------------
- - Analyse of CDROM disks.
- - Details about cache software.
- 1.81 (08/93)
- ------------
- - Version 1.80 = 1.08
- - Correction of some bugs ...
- 1.82 (09/93)
- ------------
- - If the command line contains files' references (*.C, WIN*.*, ...),
- DKI displays information on these (directory, date, size),
- to allow file search.
- - DKI displays the number of directories scanned during a search.
- - DKI handles international attributes (separator for thousand,
- order of date, help text (/?) in English).
- - New documentation.
- - Installation module.
- - Better management of SCSI disks via ASPI .
- - Improvement of deletion routines.
- - New routines of IDE detection (functions as IDEID).
- 1.90 (12/93)
- -----------
- - DKI identifies IDE/ESDI units installed on a second controller.
- - English documentation for shareware version.
- 1.91 (2/94)
- -----------
- - Correction of problems with some CD-ROM
- - Modified to work with Stacker 3.1
- - Recognizes Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- - If the file C:\DKI.INS is not existing, displays help screen
- - Able to find the n biggest files (default is 10)
- - Able to find the files modified the d day (default is today)
- - Benchmark for unit drives
- - Display an animation during initialisation of DKI
- - Offers to get back to 25 lines after using /m option (50 lines)
- - Added detection for Hyperdisk, Combi, Srdisk
- - Key registration
- Projects (??/94)
- ----------------
- - Version 2.0 for Dos and Windows.
- Far projects (??)
- -----------------
- - Version for NT, OS/2, Linux, ...
- Thanks
- ------
- - Analysis, ideas, assistance: Jean-Daniel Pauget.
- - Technical advice:
- * Ralph Brown (Interrupt List)
- * Henry-Pascal Eldin (LanSmart)
- * Doug Merrett (IDE disks)
- * Bruno Sirletti, Michel Cerdini (SCSI disks)
- * Lindsay Vagg (CPU identification)
- - Betatesters: Lionel Drevon, Bruno Lassausaie, Georges
- Bourne (sysop of GEORGE'S HOME), François Heizmann (LL),
- Pascal Valette (sysop of LE LIEN), Henry-Pascal Eldin (LL),
- Cyril MORISSE (sysop of LOKI), Patrick Kuchard, Harold Ovsec (GH),
- Alain Gazet, Ivan Clement (GH), Vincent Mallet (Sysop of ZYLLIUS),
- Philippe Debray (ZY), Jean-Louis Matrat (ZY), Dominique
- Klein (ZY), Pascal Richard (GH), Serge Chenavard (GH),
- Luc Blateau (GH), Yves Charier (BY), Michel Rousseaux (BY), ...
- VII / Registration - Contacts
- =============================
- Registration will bring you 3 benefits:
- - Your own version of DKI,
- - Access to the next version,
- - Explanations about how DKI works if you are interested in.
- To register, send me your address (mail and email), the name you want to
- register, your DKI's version and your payment (only banknotes).
- If you really can't send it in dollars, send the equivalent in your country
- money (I will start a money collection !).
- License cost :
- - 1 : $10
- - to 50 : $10 * LicenseNumber * (1 - LicNb/100)
- - more : $300
- I will send you back a key to register DKI, and the latest version
- if you have an old one.
- If you want to help me to improve this program, you can send me the results
- of your tests (by creating a report file with DKI /G >DKI.TXT),
- your remarks and suggestion, and any information (documentation, listings,
- ...) you could have about peripherals detection and so on ...
- Thanks a lot in advance!
- My addresses:
- -------------
- Philippe Duby
- 7 rue Jules Vallès
- France
- COMPUSERVE : 73551,1561
- INTERNET : duby@lanpc1.univ-lyon1.fr
- The latest version of DKI can be found on the following hosts :
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- BBS : ZYLLIUS 2:323/7 FidoOrg, (+33) (Magic name : DKI)
- INTERNET : ftp lanpc1.univ-lyon1.fr